Murrieta United Methodist Church
Food Pantry

- Our Food Pantry meets the needs of area families on a weekly basis.
- Open each Friday from 8am to 9am, the pantry supplies free canned and packaged food along with some vegetables, breads, meats, and dairy products.
- Our food pantry is blessed generously by our church’s members, but also by other area churches, schools, service organizations who help contribute money and food, Albertson’s, and Amazon Fresh.
The pantry serves between 150 and 200 families a week. In addition, there is a weekly Bible Study (in Fellowship Hall), available for all, during the hour prior to food distribution. Volunteers are needed to purchase food, pick up donated food, sort and stock shelves and freezers, and serve on Friday mornings. If you have the spiritual gifts of Helps or Hospitality you may find this a very rewarding opportunity. For more information on the food pantry, contact Ann Hartwig or Debbie Hanlon at foodpantry@murrietaumc.org.